03-21-2019 Minutes

Beaver Dam/Littlefield Fire District
630 N. Highway 91, P.O. Box 579
Beaver Dam, AZ. 86432
Telephone (928) 347-5114

Minutes A.R.S. §38-403.01


    Called to order by the Board Chairman Adriance at 6:03 P.M. on March 21, 2019
    Board Chairman: Doug Adriance Present
    Board Clerk: Tom Oliver Present
    Board Member: Reed Bown Present
    Board Member: Dan Reber Present
    Board Member: Kevin Smith Present
    Administrative Assistant: George Burnett Present
    Also present were:
    Fire Chief Hunt and Finance Director Arnett
    The Pledge was given my Board Member Bown
    No comments
    i. Minutes of Regular Session of FEBRAURY 21, 2019
    Board Member Reber made a motion to accept the minutes of February 21, 2019 as written.
    Board Clerk Oliver seconded the motion. Motion passed to accept the minutes of February 21, 2019. 5-0-0
    a. Fire Chief’s Report:
    i. Wildland classes update
    Chief Hunt – mentioned that the wildland class is in session. They will have the written test
    tomorrow (April 22, 2019) afternoon and the field test on Saturday (April 23, 2019)
    He also mentioned that no Mesquite Firefighters showed up even the fire chief and battalion chief are on board.
    There will be one (1) Mesquite FF will be in the Refresher Class for next Month.
    ii. Status update on the Type 1 Engine
    Chief Hunt – the frame rail is in and on the assemble line and should be completed in about six (6) months if not sooner.
    b. Fire and EMS report for the month of: FEBRUARY 2019
    Chief Hunt went over the Fire and EMS report of February 2019. There were a total of 16 fire responses and a total of 589 EMS responses for a total of 74 responses for February.
    Year to date responses: 25 fire and 112 Medical responses for a total of 137 responses.
    c. Board Chairman’s Report:
    No comments
    a. Discussion and possible action re: having a community shred day. Chief Hunt.
    Chief Hunt – mentioned that the shred day will be Saturday, April 13, 2019 from
    8:00 A.M. until 11:00 A.M. The cost will be $5.00 per box the size of a banker’s box.
    He would insure that flyers are made up and posted.
    b. Discussion and possible action re: try and resolve the issue with the burn permits as presented by ADEQ/Chief Hunt.
    Chief Hunt – mentioned that he has not heard back from ADEQ. This matter was tabled until the April 18, 2019 meeting.
    a. Discussion and possible action re: purchasing an inter-facility transport van.
    Chief Hunt – went over a diagram that was provided by Rocky Mountain Ambulance and is manufactured by Wheel Coach. The base price was $120,000.00 wish would include a power stretcher. This is in comparison for a new ambulance that would cost upwards of $230,000.00. After further discussion and noting that this is something new and not really tested for us and also noted that Mesquite Fire did turn over all the legal 2000 to us for transport, it was unclear how many transports we would accomplish with this since that it is a variable situation. It was also noted that we also do other transports to Las Vegas area and also to St. George area and that is also variable.
    Chief Hunt also made notice that it would also reduce the mileage on our Type 1 ambulances
    that is used for emergency responses. This could possibly extend our purchase of a new ambulance within our rotation. The discussion turned toward the cost of it and if we could finance it.
    Board Chairman Adriance – made a motion to buy the transport ambulance authorizing a full purchase price of $125,000.00, that’s including the cot.
    Board Member Reber – do we want to, if Finance Director Arnett can figure out that we can pay for it, do we want to go ahead before the next meeting.
    Board Chairman Adriance – that’s what we’re doing now, authorizing the purchase up to $125,000.00
    Board Member Reber seconds the motion.
    Motion passed to buy the transport ambulance for $125,000.00. 5-0-0
    b. Discussion and possible action re: PSPRS aka the Public System Personal Retirement System, Beaver Dam/Littlefield Fire District Pension Funding Policy.
    Finance Director Arnett – the Pension Funding Policy the Arizona Revised Statute requires us to have a Pension Funding Policy, she has written one, passing out papers, so basically I took what the League of Arizona City and town put out for on how to put out make a funding policy. So, I took their funding policy because I haven’t been given direction in what a funding policy should or shouldn’t do, so I used this and it’s actually pretty good.
    I also ran it by the auditor to make sure we had everything in it. So, if you’re looking at the policy the first component is a little bit of a glossary. That’s what their really concerned
    about is that when you have a pension, are you going to be able to pay your guys what you need to pay them when they retire. Right now our pension funding, the problem with the audit, I didn’t have the funded liability on our web site. Our funded liability is 32.5%.
    She went on to discuss the rest of the policy and what will be on the web site. The Fire District’s PSPRS funding ration goal is 100 % (fully funded) by June 30, 2036.
    It was noted that this would require a resolution for approval after the agenda was put out.
    Therefore the resolution was not within the agenda but had to be taken care of for the funding policy to be effective.
    Resolution 2019-002 was introduced. After reviewing all documents and Resolution 2019-002
    Board Chairman Adriance made a motion to accept the Pension Funding Policy and Resolution 2019-002.
    Board Member Bown seconded the motion. Motion passed to accept the Pension Funding Policy and Resolution 2019-002. 5-0-0
    c. Discussion and possible action re: Audit – correction action plan.
    Finance Director Arnett went over the reply to the auditors on the correction action plan that she sent to the auditors. This was a discussion item only and no action was needed.
    a. Discussion and possible action re: review and approval of District’s Consolidated Monthly
    Reports (Action Required)
    i. Reconciliation of cash w/Treasury – Wells Fargo Checking for the month ending:
    FEBRUARY 2019.
    ii. Reconciliation of Mountain America Credit Union (Liabilities and Ambulance Revenue) for the month ending: FEBRUARY 2019
    iii. Review of the Cosco Visa Credit Card Statement for the month ending: FEBRUARY 2019
    iv. Review of the UMB Visa Card Statement for the month ending: FEBRUARY 2019
    v. Discussion and possible action re: Review Register of Checks, Warrants and Deposits for the
    month ending: FEBRUARY 2019
    vi. Discussion and possible action re: Statement of Financial Activities, cash flow projections.
    vii. Discussion and possible action re: Statement of Assets.
    viii. Discussion and possible action re: Expenses by Vendor for FEBRUARY 2019
    ix. Discussion and possible action re: invoices from Mr. Whittington’s office.
    No invoices as of this date.
    Finance Director Arnett – went over the financial statements and mentioned that everything is in order and all receipts for the UMB Visa Cards had been returned.
    Board Member Reber made a motion to accept the Financial Statements as presented for review.
    Board Member Bown seconded the motion. Motion passed to accept the Financial
    Statements as presented. 5-0-0
    a. Discussion and possible action re: continuing the discussion on providing a fire protection agreement for out of district fires.
    b. Discussion and possible action re: continuing the discussion and possibly offering the residents a subscription ambulance service for a set fee.
    c. Discussion and possible action re: holding a special meeting in regards to the FY 2019-2020 budget cycle.
    d. Discussion and possible action re: try and resolve the issue with the burn permits
    as present by ADEQ/Chief Hunt. The Board can recommend matters for inclusion on an upcoming agenda.
    The next regular scheduled board meeting is APRIL 18, 2019 at 6:00 P.M. Arizona Time.
    Any special meeting scheduled will appear in the minutes.
    The Calendar of events is on the board’s tablets, the web site and also at Station #1.
    Board Member Reber made a motion to adjourn.
    Board Member Bown seconded the motion. Motion passed to adjourn. 5-0-0
    Board Chairman Adriance adjourned the meeting at 8:08 P.M. on March 21, 2019

___________________ ____________
Beaver Dam/Littlefield Date
Fire District – Clerk
Governing Board

028 BDFDBR028
SD Card # 4