12-19-2024 Minutes
Category: Archives
Agendas, minutes, financial info., notices
12-19-2024 Agenda
12-19-2024 Agenda
Public Notice
Public Notice
Minutes 11-21-2024
Minutes 11-21-2024
Resolution 2024-38
A resolution of the Board of Directors to authorize the sale of the following described motor vehicles (as-is, with no warranty) by sealed bid: 2010 Ford F150 V8 Gas 200,000+ miles – Vin ending with B83488 2008 Ford F250 6.4 Diesel 140,000+ miles – Vin ending with E29468 See Resolution 2024-38
11-21-2024 Agenda
11-21-2024 Agenda
Resolution 2024-37
A Resolution of the Beaver Dam/Littlefield Fire District Governing Board of Directors authorizing the amendment of the District’s boundaries to include land within Mohave County after written request by property owner(s), Fernando Silveyra, owner(s) of record. See Resolution 2024-37
Resolution 2024-36
A Resolution of the Beaver Dam/Littlefield Fire District Governing Board of Directors authorizing the amendment of the District’s boundaries to include land within Mohave County after written request by property owner(s), Fernando & Rafaela Silveyra, owner(s) of record. See Resolution 2024-36
10-17-2024 Minutes
10-17-2024 Minutes
10-17-2024 Agenda
10-17-2024 Agenda