09-17-2020 Agenda
Category: Archives
Agendas, minutes, financial info., notices
09-10-2020 PSPRS Local Board Mtg Notice & Agenda
09-10-2020 Agenda
09-17-2020 Public Hearing for Proposed Revision of FY 2020-2021 Budget
PUBLIC NOTICE In accordance with the Arizona Revised Statutes the Fire District Board approved a budget for the FY 2020-2021 Fiscal Year which started on July 1, 2020. Since adoption of the FY 2020-2021 budget, receipt of additional revenues during FY 2019-2020 have been recognized and increased the ending fund balance, and additional FY 2020-2021 Read More
PSPRS Local Board Vacancy
PUBLIC SAFETY PERSONNEL RETIREMENT SYSTEM (PSPRS) VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT The Beaver Dam/Littlefield Fire District PSPRS Local Board is seeking one citizen volunteer to serve as an appointed member to the PSPRS Local Board. The term is for four years (through Sept 2024). The Board meets a minimum of two times throughout the year to address PSPRS membership Read More
08-20-2020 Agenda
08-20-2020 Agenda
07-16-2020 Minutes
07-16-2020 Minutes
07-16-2020 Agenda
07-16-2020 Agenda
FY 2020-2021 Budget
FY 2020-2021 Budget
06-18-2020 Minutes
06-18-2020 Minutes
Resolution 2020-007
A resolution to purchase a Type II Transit Van. See Res 2020-007.