It’s with sad hearts that we report the loss of our long-time employee Susan Burch. Susan was the District’s landscaper for many years. She also volunteered on the PSPRS Local Board. Susan passed away on Monday February 12, 2024.
Resolution 2024-03
A Resolution of the Beaver Dam/Littlefield Fire District Governing Board of Directors authorizing the amendment of the District’s boundaries to include land within Mohave County after written request by property owner(s), David Price representing McPrice Properties LLC, owner(s) of record. See Resolution 2024-03
02-15-2024 Minutes
02-15-2024 Minutes
02-15-2024 Agenda
02-15-2024 Agenda
01-18-2024 Minutes
01-18-2024 Minutes
01-18-2024 Agenda
01-18-2024 Agenda
12-21-2023 Minutes
12-21-2023 Minutes
Public Notice
Public Notice – AFDA Conference
12-21-2023 Agenda
12-21-2023 Agenda
11-16-2023 Minutes
11-16-2023 Minutes